5 Factors to Consider Developing in ASP.NET

Published: May 01, 2014

While choosing for a programming framework to create a web application, an important thing to consider is the benefits it offers in terms of ease and scalability. This is very important especially from the programmer’s point of view. Programming in today’s modern web needs something that is robust, has a wide user base and has extra layers of security. A real good candidate is ASP.NET.


ASP.NET is an application framework that is known for building solutions that is well received by developers all over the world. Its reputation for delivering some of the world’s most complex websites make it a favorite for large organizations as well as hobbyists and freelance developers. So what makes ASP.NET so gripping a technology?

On a similar note, find how you can measure learning ASP.NET’s learning curve from this article.

Here are 5 factors that make ASP.NET an excellent choice for your next web application:

1) Superior Speed

Speed grants more power and more authority to the development process. ASP.NET offers quick and prompt arrangement of facility and controls to its developers. With easy-to-handle grids, tables and wizards it provides a breeze of navigation and makes switching across tasks and environments really swift. This helps developers to go with their tasks with a quick and smooth flow which results in better operational control and effective management of the overall project activities.

In addition, ASP.NET is know to run it’s own web server – so you don’t even need to configure one. All you need to do is start coding – then run the application while the framework automatically spins a web server for you. How cool is that.

2) Top Level Scalability

ASP.NET comes with built-in scalability features. This helps developers to easily manage sessions and events across servers. Features such as process configuration and pipeline optimization, the factors like cost and user traffic are greatly controlled and facilitated by ASP.NET, addressing to the varying needs of project as it grows. In other words – you won’t need to worry about scaling your application in the future. Instead – it’s already taken cared of since the beginning.

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3) Less Coding

The development environment in ASP.NET is featured with great functional capabilities and is designed with Visual Studio integrated in it. As a programmer, you don’t need to struggle with recalling frequent and obvious functions. With the superbly-toned and interactive development system, ASP.NET developers find it easy to get going with any length and complexity of coding with fluid WYSIWYG editing, multi-lingual support and drag-and-drop server controls. The .NET framework alone is a huge collection of objects that is made available to you – just by using this excellent platform.

On that note, if you’re interested in NO coding at all – you might be interested in an online website builder solution such as Wix or Weebly.

4) Efficient Web Server

ASP.NET web development companies have grown in numbers over time and a major credit for this goes to the web server efficiency offered. It helps developers comprehensively deal with various development scenarios and uninterruptedly monitor pages, components and modules. It not only handles dedicated memory needs of the building web application but also protects the application from various irregularities and threats that might appear during the process of development or otherwise.

5) Reliable and Consistent

With data-validation and authentication being one of the strong domains of ASP.NET, it is a highly reliable development system looking at the modern day programming needs. The streamlined components helps the program automatically detect and recover from errors and act consistent, aptly addressing to the issues like dead locks, crash protection and memory leaks. As a programmer – you won’t need to account for system exceptions and scrubbing incoming data. It’s already designed to do that for you.

You should also read Security rules every Web Developer should follow.


In closing, we hope that these factors will help you recognize what ASP.NET has to offer. Note that this is only the tip of the iceberg. With its vast array of features and functionality, the possibilities of this platform is endless. Remember, you need something that provides a scope in developing rich and expansive applications. One that is customized to suit dynamic business requirements. Last of all, with the growing demands of today’s advanced web applications, you can rest assure that a website built on ASP.NET will outgrow it’s competitors in the years to come.

Ana Elena Foster is a blogger and writer works for Octal Info Solution, a leading ASP.NET Development Company offering custom ASP.NET Development services including dedicated hiring options.