What lies ahead for SEO services and internet marketing in 2014?

Published: Mar 25, 2014

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was the talking point of the entire digital media space last year, and almost all internet marketing professionals and organizations whose business hit due to ranking loss felt the heat. This was due to several modifications done by Google in its search algorithm, most notably Penguin and Hummingbird updates. The websites that were coming on top of Google search results saw their ranking plunging dramatically, which created widespread panic among the global online marketing community and the firms offering SEO services.


The SEO work sphere is continuously evolving, and nobody has any idea what is happening or is going to come from the Google headquarters next. The search engine giant has made it precisely clear that it won’t allow any illicit activities to interfere with algorithm, which could get your website ranked on top. SEO services need improvisation and should follow Google’s guidelines if they want to prosper in this competitive industry. I have summarized few pointers that could affect SEO services in 2014, let’s see what they are.

Value Content Creation

This is perhaps the most important and well-known parameter that can affect your website’s SEO. Everybody from Matt Cutts, MOZ’s Rand Fishkin and Danny Sullivan, besides other SEO experts have opined that if your website’s content is low grade, then Google wouldn’t consider it for better ranking and that page could see its appearance depleting on the SERPs. Good quality content that provides value to the community would see widespread application throughout 2014. See this article on Secrets to Writing Evergreen Content which leads to good material when producing content for your site.

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Less Focus on Keywords

Though still nothing substantial has emerged in this regard from Google, experts believe that the search engine powerhouse could remove all sorts of keyword analysis and research related data from its Analytics tool. If this happens, then Google Analytics would lose a big valuable resource. This would make Google’s attitude more clear and audacious towards keyword stuffing practices and guest blogging. It is going to be interesting to note if these rumors have any real value this year. Further, the long tail keyword concept is expected to become the talking point of 2014. In reality, since post the post Panda update, many of these SEO tactics have been considered a waste of time.

Google+ Authorship and Snippet rich search results

Google Authorship has always been considered significant for SEO services. In 2014 it is expected to become all the more important, especially after Matt Cutts’ words on guest blogging practices, spammy or not, their ledger is not exactly crystal clear! Further, more snippets are expected to make their way on the SERPs. However, how they appear and why they appear depends entirely on Google’s search algorithm. So if Google appreciates your service or web content, then chances are high that you will see snippets alongside your website on the search results.


2014 could become a breakthrough year for SEO professionals, since it is this year that they could challenge their Google acumen. Hummingbird came in the last quarter of 2013 calendar year, and many organizations are yet to implement a strategic plan in their SEO. Clean optimization practices could earn you rewards in the long run, whilst illicit demeanor could perhaps leave you with a Google penalty.

Author Bio: Bella Pattinson is a content writer and works at Searcheccentric. She loves to share her ideas on Internet marketing, Search engine optimization, digital world and gadgets.