Even More Reasons Why WordPress is the Best CMS Platform – Ever!

Published: Mar 16, 2014

Developers and webmasters have been showing keener interest in WordPress with each passing day. The fact doesn’t surprise you and me since we know how incredibly valuable this content management system is for those assigned with the responsibility of creating a website. WordPress works much beyond its standard function of blogging tool. On this date, the most number of websites on the Internet are built on WordPress – which takes the numbers in millions.


With such a huge popularity, it is only natural that WordPress cashes in on the mileage it has got from users all across the globe. But not only that, the WordPress experts have been working day and night to ensure that mundane aspects and familiarity doesn’t creep into this platform. If the users are offered the same options, they would soon lose interest and will resort to other CMSs.

WordPress experts are mindful of the fact and have taken every measure to ensure it doesn’t happen that way. And this is the reason they keep coming up with remarkable themes and plugins every once in a while that capture the attention of million WordPress users and give them all the more reason to use this blogging platform for their websites.

But before we jump the wagon and start looking at the best WordPress themes, let’s look at some other reasons for choosing WordPress:

It is Easy

There is no dearth of web development novices who would speak in unison when it comes to putting forth how WordPress helped them create a crackling website despite the fact that they had no prior experience whatsoever. You do not have to be a coder for creating your website on WordPress, that’s the first thing you need to know. There is such a non fussy setup to building a blog through this platform that even the naysayers would resort to it. See this step by step guide on setting up your WordPress site.

It is Adorned with Features

At the end of the day, an average user would rate a website on how much sophistication it displays in terms of design and how dynamic it is. WordPress comes loaded with so many features that choosing few and rejecting others becomes a prospect spoiled with too many options (but for good). You can built a great design, inject some amazing plugins, pick from a variety of themes and so forth.

It is Secure

The folks who build their websites using WordPress have to worry least when to comes to the security of their websites. There are various security plugins you can download for free. Moreover, if you update your WordPress website regularly, it automatically creates a shield around it against the hackers.

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WordPress.com Or WordPress.org

Many of you may not have known this, but there are two options of having a WordPress blog. WordPress.com IS WordPress hosted by WordPress themselves. You can have your CMS up in their servers and start blogging away. WordPress.org IS WordPress that you host yourself. You can put your own WordPress installation in your choice of hosting, server and environment. Both are good choices, both offer their own benefits and limitations. Its just a matter of picking one.

Run a Store, Job Board or simply Blog

That’s correct – WordPress on it’s own is simply a blogging platform. But with the right theme and plugin, you can sell items, create your own job listing, classified ads and even a forum. WordPress doesn’t have any limits on what you can do with itself. It is expandable, scalable and flexible. Thousands of users can’t be wrong.

You can Make it look like Anything you want

This is probably the most attractive feature of WordPress. You can make it appear as if it’s an entirely different website altogether. With the countless free and premium themes, the limits of how it looks is endless. For example, see these restaurant themes or Retina ready themes for WordPress that will blow your mind.

It is Rewarding

It is quite a good feeling when you put your words up in that content editor and hitting that “Publish” button. It also feels good when you see your post get’s attention, people comment and start a discussion. It’s even better when you see your web analytics go up as your words are being read by hundreds or even thousands of viewers. WordPress does this for you and there is not a simpler CMS that does it better.

Now that you know all the good stuff about what WordPress can do, you need to know which hosting is best. Check out DigitalOcean – the best hosting for developers.


Now that I’ve validated WordPress as the best CMS by far, it’s now up to you. Are you going to waste more time shopping around for a better platform? Or are you going to listen to thousands of users all over the world who are already publishing away in WordPress? Like myself, I gave it a try and I have never looked back. What’s your take? Leave your comments below.

This article is written by Liza Williams. Liza is a web developer by profession and a writer by hobby and works for OSSMedia Ltd company. She loves sharing information regarding WordPress, Majento, Drupal and Joomla development tips & tricks. If you are looking for WordPress Development Services then just get in touch with her.