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Published: Mar 02, 2011

For Blue Rooster theme, we have made considerable improvements especially in performance, size and visual effects. I had to completely rewrite the slide show – which had lost it’s ability to automatically play. I had to simplify, meaning leaner code without the means of a plugin.

This theme can be downloaded at this link. More documentation can be found here. Please leave your comments below if you have questions.

View the DemoBuy in Paypal

You can still use the original PSD files (for Free!). The page templates and custom fields are all the same. To view the original article, click here. For those who are still the old version – be sure to update your theme files.

So What was Changed?

I created this theme way back early 2009 – when many of the new features of WordPress was still not around. So I’ve cleaned up some functions, especially ways to integrate Javascript files. This has caused many conflicts in the previous version. I’ve also added the new WordPress 3.0 menu system:

Click on this tutorial on how to use the new menu system.

shopify banner

I’ve also updated the Home page and Archive page templates to use the “Post Thumbnail” feature. Don’t worry. If you’re updating your old Blue Rooster – your custom fields will still work. So you can use either / or.


I’ve also added other enhancements such as Google fonts and CSS 3 styling – so the theme is more lightweight and loads faster.

Lastly, I have a couple of free themes cooking. A fun one for St. Patrick’s Day, and another revived classic from the archives – So stay tuned!