3 Basic Advertisement No-No's for Newbie Webmasters

Published: Dec 04, 2011

Ads. If you’re interested in monetizing your website you’ll more than likely have a few of them scattered on your homepage. While knowing where to place these ads, and ensuring that they do not interfere with a reader’s experience is vital; the kind of ads that you use are just AS important.

This is a guest post from Jacelyn Thomas. To find out more about Jacelyn, see bottom of the article

That said, below are 3 advertisement types that every designer should avoid. Note that these ads are especially notorious in turning off readers, plus making the overall feel of the site look horrendously “amateurish.”

1. Fake Link Ads

When laying out articles and other content, you may be tempted to disguise ads as legitimate links. Links in form of valid information within the article. While this “trick” also known as blending advertisement may fool a few readers – can result in small sales; in reality, your consumers will pick up rather quickly.

In time, they will stop clicking on them altogether. Even worse — they can quit visiting your site as a result. No trickery should be involved when it comes to advertisements. So Fake link ads is definitely No-No #1.

2. Pop Ups

Pop-up ads are one of the most hated advertising techniques by far. This is because not only do they catch consumers off guard – but rather, it is forced upon them. They’re really somewhat comparable to a horse pill that consumers are made to swallow. Almost immediately – consumers look for the “x” button to click out of it.

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If, for some strange reason – you are adamant about including a pop-up ad – it should be for these two purposes only: a) the pop up should be a form that allows your readers to subscribe to your blog; and b) the pop up ad should highlight a product that you are selling (not an ad for another company).

You should also consider using “lightbox” or “modal boxes” as an alternative. This is so that no new browser window is opened. Regardless, you want to make sure that you do this as little of this as possible. Needless to say, pop up ads is a No-No to be taken seriously.

3. Flash Ads

As a general rule, most webmasters know to refrain from using Flash because they slow down a site’s loading time. Ads that use flash are no different. They’re quite intrusive, not to mention – still requires a plugin to run. Think of the users you cannot reach (iPads and iPhones). In addition, more consumers are choosing to block flash ads by using plug-ins that prevents ads from ever loading. Thus, it’s best to avoid using Flash ads altogether. Flash Ads is a No-No for sure.



While the types of ads mentioned above should be avoided, it doesn’t mean that no advertisement should be included on your site. There are appropriate ad types and placement techniques that not only generate income – but compliment your site at the same time. Always get in the mindset of your consumers. Think about what ads bug you vs the ones you will actually click on. Surf your site as if you’re the average Joe – then take appropriate action from there.

Jacelyn Thomas writes about identity theft for IdentityTheft.net. If you should have any questions for Jacelyn, she can be reached at: jacelyn.thomas[at]gmail.com.