24 Fresh Motion Reels that will Spark your Creativity

Published: Apr 04, 2011

There will be times in design career that web pages or photos are not enough for inspiration. This is when you need to look elsewhere; videos are a prime example. This is another guest post from a regular author – Stelian Stubolin of Rocketgraphs:

Stop motion (frame-by-frame action) is an animation technique that makes a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object creates an illusion of movement when the series of frames are played continuously. Here are 24 Stop Motion reels that I have found that are so creative – that will spark your creativity in your future projects.

Reel 2010

Dave Legion

Ace 5 Studios

Just the Basics

Vincent Boudier // Showreel 2010

Dark Wood

A dona de pedaco

Lesso 2011

The World of Design Animation

Tui Space

Bald Gorilla

Oliver Koch Reel //2009

VivaHR AI Learning
SevenEdge // Show Reel 2010

Dyn Styrlund Design Reel

th3 Unknown // Showreel 2010

The Fruit Box

The Magical Classroom


Young Creative Chevrolet

Emmanuel Cruellas // Reel 2009

Johny Likens // Reel 2010

Showreel DutchMotionWorks

4 Fourths

Demo Reel

It’s your Turn

Aren’t they one of a kind? Which one did you like the most? Do you have video reels that you think should belong in this list? I, for one thought they were all brilliant. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave your comments and join the discussion in the form below.

This has been a guest post by Stelian Subotin. Stelian is a enthusiast and design fan from Republic of Moldova. Right now he is working on his new design-related blog called Rocket Graphics. Visit RocketGraphs or follow his twitter account @rocketgraphs.