18 Awesome Websites Running ExpressionEngine:

Published: May 08, 2010

Every now and then I like to showcase beautifully designed websites that run on different CMS platforms. One interesting system is known as ExpressionEngine from Ellislabs. It claims to be the “most flexible web publishing system you’ll ever meet”. It boasts a bevy of features that aims to meet the most serious of publishing needs. Though I’ve never tried it myself, I’ve taken a deep look at their showcase of sites and what it can do. Take a look at these 18 awesome websites that are running on the ExpressionEngine platform:


Awesome use of large backgrounds – especially in the header area; this website screams “I’m unique” in all angles.

Render Creative

Render creative specializes in high end websites. This is easy to tell from their superior placement of large images, use of muted colors as well as large fonts.

Sam Houston

The Sam Houston website displays good use of shades, silhouettes and matted elements. What I especially liked is the timeline that serves that historic purpose.

All K Pop

Talk about busy – All K Pop is a magazine styled website powered by EE.



Once again, excellent oversized header – with alternating backgrounds for the faces. Bright, bold color schema with wide open spacing between elements:


Think About It

The Think About It website features beautiful contrasting greens against whites, along with good use of transparencies.


Campaign Monitor

The popular email marketing software runs their home site in EE. Top notch design with superior web 2.0 elements.


Office of the Governor

Really? Office of the Governor is running EE: Another testimonial for the platform’s accountability.


Chapman University

Good utilization of transparencies and high contrasting colors.


Havilah Legal

Talk about blue, this law firm website is very sleek and professional. I like the conformity to the strict color schema.

digitalocean bannerblank


Trevor Allen Photography

Impressive slideshow, fancy lifted page effect, creative backgrounds – this website is simply stunning.


I lounge

This is an example of how complex an ExpressionEngine website can become. Many facets such as blogs, reviews, polls, a store and plenty of ads fused into one.


Ruth Badger

The Ruth Badger website is a presentation of good web 2.0 elements including ribbons, diagonal backgrounds and clean typography.


Tweetsie Railroad

Fun and fantastic, Tweetsie’s design is anything but ordinary.


Paul Rand

Very simple, serene and personal, the Paul Rand website is proof of clean web marksmanship.


VK Magazine

Superior typography, good spacing and placement, beautiful icons – VK Magazine takes content organization in a whole new level.


Mock Elections

Beautiful vector graphics, combined with muted colors – Mock Elections is a good example of an artistic webpage. Be sure to check out their awesome navigation buttons.



A somewhat refreshing combination of dark orange shades and dirty backgrounds. Nice origami Twitter bird.



As you can see, with a little talent and ExpressionEngine – you can do a lot. The platform comes in three pricing categories (free, personal and commercial) which varies from included and excluded features amongst them. For more information – head over to ExpressionEngine’s website.

What about you? Do you have an ExpressionEngine website you want to showcase? Please leave a comment below!