Your Guide To Choosing The Best PR Distribution Service For Your Business

Published: Jan 23, 2019

So you’re looking into hiring a professional PR firm to handle your press release distribution campaign. We get it. It might not seem like it, but choosing the right PR service can be downright challenging. Many companies out there claim to be the best.

PR Distribution

However, in truth, only a handful will meet your expectation and deliver actual results. It’s also not easy to choose a service depending on your business’s needs. After all, you have to consider things like your budget, niche, your target audience, and just how extensive you want your press release distribution to be. Look no further. We’re about to solve your predicament. In this article, we’ll show you how to choose the best PR distribution service for your business.

Why should you hire a professional PR distribution service?

It’s true. These days, you can handle your company’s own press release distribution campaigns. You can also hire an in-house PR team to do this for you. The first option means you’ll be handling all the stress of creating press releases from scratch and distributing them on your own. The latter choice is expensive. And do you really want a PR team in your monthly payroll when you can hire real professionals on a per project basis? The only sensible (not to mention the easiest) solution is to hire a PR firm to do your PR campaigns for you.

And before you say that these services are expensive, you’ll be surprised to know you’re wrong. Some services can be costly. However, these days, you can tailor-fit PR services depending on your needs and budget.

Here are some reasons why you should hire a PR distribution service:

Huge viewership and customer base potential. More than 80 million people around the world are bombarded with news content every single day. You can have more success accessing this massive pool of potential customers using a well-targeted PR distribution.
Increased chances of online visibility and trust. Hiring someone to craft your press releases carefully and distributing it to the right channels can increase your chances of online exposure. Also, PR firms have established relationships with trusted media institutions and journalists. Having your story published by them can earn you more trust and credibility, which can boost sales.

How can you choose the perfect PR distribution for you?

Now that you know what benefits a paid PR distribution service can bring to your company, it’s time to choose one that will suit your needs perfectly. Before you go ahead and select your PR service, take the following things into consideration.

Online visibility – Will this service allows you to reach websites that matter to your business? Will they be targetting the right placements? An excellent service should be able to attract large viewership and increase the chances of your press release to get read.
Earned media pick-up – Does this company have established connections with trusted journalists? These people authenticate your press releases like no one can, so it’s important to assess a PR firm’s earned media pick-up.
Search visibility – If you want your press releases to work effectively as SEO tools, you need a service that has high search engine authority so your news copies can reach your target audience organically.
Brand engagement – Does this service allow you to manipulate your brand’s narrative in social media platforms effectively? The right service should be able to provide the necessary tools and skillset to create brand engagement through social media and a broader audience.
Conversion and audience acquisition rates – The ideal PR service should have an impressive network and content and targetting options that can effectively help you acquire new prospects and contacts. After all, getting your story read shouldn’t be your only focus. You also want your content to be acted on by the right people.

With these simple tips and considerations, it wouldn’t be so difficult to choose the perfect PR distribution service for you and your needs. Remember to do your research before you jump the gun. Informed decision-making should be your top priority when choosing the marketing services you want to hire.

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Earned media pick-up – Does this company have established connections with trusted journalists? These people authenticate your press releases like no one can, so it’s important to assess a PR firm’s earned media pick-up.
Search visibility – If you want your press releases to work effectively as SEO tools, you need a service that has high search engine authority so your news copies can reach your target audience organically.
Brand engagement – Does this service allow you to manipulate your brand’s narrative in social media platforms effectively? The right service should be able to provide the necessary tools and skillset to create brand engagement through social media and a broader audience.
Conversion and audience acquisition rates – The ideal PR service should have an impressive network and content and targetting options that can effectively help you acquire new prospects and contacts. After all, getting your story read shouldn’t be your only focus. You also want your content to be acted on by the right people.

With these simple tips and considerations, it wouldn’t be so difficult to choose the perfect PR distribution service for you and your needs. Remember to do your research before you jump the gun. Informed decision-making should be your top priority when choosing the marketing services you want to hire.