5 Simple Tips to Expand Your Brand Identity

Published: Jan 17, 2019

Your brand identity is governed by two important factors namely brand awareness and customer based brand equity. Your brand is what your customers feel about you.

Brand Identity - cups of coffee

Building a strong brand identity takes time, effort and perfect execution of strategies. The customer should be the focal point of every action so that your customer starts trusting your business.

This article will explore 5 simple ways by which you can improve your brand identity and leave a positive impression in the minds of your customers.

1- Clearly Define Your Niche

You need to dominate a niche market if you want to invade the minds of your customers. Clearly defining your niche allows you to properly channelize your resources and energy that helps to provide greater returns.

Defining your niche is crucial in building up your brand identity for the following reasons:

  • Your marketing budget is maximized meaning you can reach more customers in less time.
  • You have greater chances of establishing yourself as a leader in your niche because there are fewer competitors.

In order to define your niche, do the following:

  • Make a list of things that you do the best.
  • Prepare a list of your achievements.
  • Identify the needs of your target audience and see if your passion fulfills them.
  • Carefully plan your vision and make it super unique.

2- Establish Your USP

Once you have determined your niche, the next step is to establish your USP. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why will the customers buy from you when there are other competitors in the market?
  • What will persuade the customers to love your brand?
  • What can you do better than your competitors?
  • What are those features that your product has that is one of a kind in the market?

Start looking at the industry trends and identity your competitive advantage. This will provide ample scope to expand your brand identity.

Navan Travel

Online grocery delivery startup, Mercato introduced same day delivery of high quality groceries and a order management service for independent grocery stores. This served as its biggest USP allowing it to expand significantly.

3- Leverage The Power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the perfect solution to expand your brand reach. You can easily reach your target audience on the world’s largest professional network. Here is how to get started:

  • Create a free brand page on LinkedIn and start attracting followers.
  • Sponsor content by creating native ads that appear within the LinkedIn feed.
  • Send personalized targeted LinkedIn messages with the help of Sponsored InMail.
  • Drive traffic and power up your branding by creating simple text ads using the PPC or CPM model.
  • Optimize all your campaigns in one place with the help of the campaign manager.

4- Take The Help of Content Marketing

Content marketing still remains one of the best ways to improve your brand presence. Content helps people to gather more information about your business and also helps to generate super useful backlinks. Here are some great tips to follow in order to have a successful content marketing strategy:

  • Understand your content marketing sales funnel because this is where your buyers will move and complete the sale.
  • Create content that is relevant, unique and personalized for your target audience.
  • Make sure your site does not have any 404 pages. Whenever you revise the contents of any page, you must use proper 301 redirects in order to pass the link juice to your new page. In a study by WooRank, it was found that around 12.2% of ecommerce backlinks sends users to a 404 page.
  • Add images and videos in your content in order to make it more engaging.
  • Create interactive content that invites action from the audience. Interactive content helps to generate the maximum engagement.
  • Make a plan to repurpose your content.

5- Involve Your Employees

Your employees are the backbone of your organization. You need to transform your employees into brand ambassadors. Here are some great ways to do that:

  • Help your employees to reveal their greatest strengths and do everything for the success of your team.
  • Educate your employees about your brand and make brand awareness a priority.
  • Connect the personal and the corporate objectives to fulfill your brand promise.
  • Find hidden brand advocates within your company and use them to your success.
  • People love brands who love their employees so it is better to showcase your love for your employees publicly and earn some brand publicity.


The true value of your brand identity lies in what your target audience thinks about your brand. Brand awareness leads to improved brand identity and you must take every step to expand your market. Follow the above steps to make your brand identity more consistent that will ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue.