Why Now Might Be the Right Time to Upgrade to a Cloud Phone System

Published: May 04, 2021

Picture: Peggy_Marco

Once upon a time, the average medium to large business would have to set aside an entire area of their business premises for large, bulky servers and cabinets. While pivotal for business operations like data storage and phone networks, they were otherwise an eyesore that took up valuable space. Those days are now over, and in their place are convenient cloud-based systems that take up no space, but also have other benefits. If you’re still holding onto those hefty cabinets and servers, the following information may convince you to make the switch. 

They Cost Less

One of the most standout benefits of transitioning from a traditional phone system to a cloud-based system is the cost. Even the best cloud phone service available can be a fraction of the cost of setting up and operating a traditional phone system. 

Not only do you not need to pay upfront costs for installation and equipment, but you only pay for usage. There’s usually no need to even  worry about maintenance charges, either. Most service providers charge for bandwidth and hostage space and sometimes a fee for high-end features and upgrades. 

They Adapt to Growth

To take advantage of the latest technological advancements in the past, you often had to upgrade all your hardware. When you’re trying to save money, the last thing you want to be doing is spending a lot of it when it’s not always necessary. Cloud phone systems don’t require hardware updates. Instead, given that they are internet-based, you will always have access to the latest features. What’s more, whether your business grows or downsizes, the system is adaptable to your needs without hassle or high costs. 

You Can Benefit From Advanced Features

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Traditional phone systems don’t offer much in the way of technological advancements. While you may be daunted by the prospect of making such a drastic change, you may be surprised at how some of these systems’ features allow for more efficient business operations. 

You can access voicemail, use automatic attendants, and some systems can even run over privately managed networks. If you are looking for something in particular, a cloud phone service provider may be able to point you in the direction of a system that works for you. 

They Are Easy to Scale Up or Down

If you’re moving premises, downsizing your team, or adding new members, a traditional phone system can present many challenges. You have to bring in the experts, move equipment around, and shift large hardware without damaging any delicate components. That’s certainly not a problem with cloud systems. Just as easy as it is to manage their costs, you can also manage any upgrades, moves, or downsizing with ease. All you have to concern yourself with are handsets and cables. 

Reliability and Resilience

Traditional phone systems can go down at a moment’s notice. If you need a reliable, future-proof phone system for 24/7 communication for emergencies and customer needs, cloud phone systems are the answer. As they work on the internet, all calls are transmitted and received through cloud servers in multiple locations.  

To remain relevant, every business needs to keep its eye on advancements. One that’s proving to be popular with businesses worldwide is cloud technology. There’s now no need to stick with traditional phone systems when such an innovative, affordable, and convenient solution currently exists.