5 Ways Small Businesses Can Save Money on IT Equipment

Published: Dec 04, 2019

Man and moneyAs an owner of a small business, you’ll need to make sure that you’re spending your money wisely. After all, you only have a limited budget to work with.

If you go over the top when buying new IT equipment, that leaves less money in your bank account for marketing tools and other essential expenses.

Lack or misuse of capital is one of the main reasons why any company ends up failing, it’s essential to know your budget and stick to it from day one.

Let’s explore some of the ways that you can cut your costs without having to compromise on the technology that you need.

1. Question Every Expense

The world of technology is changing at an incredible rate. Over the last few years, we’ve seen the rise of various disruptive concepts, ranging from artificial intelligence and machine learning to the Internet of things.

While all of these new developments have unique benefits to offer, not all of them will be suitable for your business.

Whether your budget is limited or not, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re not just investing in the latest gadget or tool because it’s shiny or exciting.

Every purchase in your business should come in response to an issue you have to deal with.

Here’s an example: Investing in automation tools is fine if there’s a lack of productivity or efficiency because your team is wasting time on mundane tasks. In that case, automation frees up their time so they can focus on their goals.

Before you spend money on any new technology, ask yourself why you need it, and how it’s going to deliver a return on investment in the long term.

If you’re not sure whether a piece of tech will end up paying for itself, skip it for now.

2. Be More Flexible

One issue with IT solutions today is that different people in your team are likely to need different things. This means that you can’t just by one-size-fits-all equipment.

You can reduce the amount of technology you need to buy by adapting to how you hire. For instance, hiring remote workers to fill the gaps in your team means that they use their own computers and software, rather than eating up your budget.

You may still need to give you remote employees access to certain cloud-based tools, but the expense is usually a lot less than the cost associated with stocking up on in-office hardware.

While you’re investing in remote working strategies, you can also consider freelancers and contractors for your team. Most of these people come equipped with the essential IT tools they need, and they don’t have to stay a part of your business for any longer than necessary.

A flexible approach to hiring is a great way to cut costs and even attract a more diverse array of talent into your organization.

After all, everyone wants flexibility in their careers today.

3. Always Invest in Quality

While it’s often tempting to choose the cheapest computer or the cheapest set of printers when you’re building your business on a limited budget, this could be a dangerous route to take.

Usually, you’ll save more money in the long-run by purchasing high-end equipment when you need it. Such an investment saves you from constantly spending on repairing and updating your technology stack.

The next time you need to buy new IT equipment for your team, think carefully about whether opting for the cheapest solution you can find is the right method.

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More often than not, you’ll save more by spending a little more, to begin with, particularly if this means that you can keep maintenance to a minimum.

While you’re at it, remember to invest some time in maintaining your equipment regularly too.

Using software to clean up your internal systems and protecting your hardware from damage will make your investments last longer.

4. Shop Around

Comparison shopping is one of the most valuable things you can do when you’re investing in IT tools and solutions for your business.

Before you start spending money on anything, ask yourself whether you can get a better deal elsewhere.

That doesn’t just mean checking different websites before you order desk phones and computers either.

You can also save a fortune on monthly overheads for your domain hosting, broadband, storage facilities, and crucial software.

Whether you’re looking for someone to build your business website, shopping for email marketing software, or finding a solution to help you manage your banking and taxes, always check around for different deals.

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There are plenty of competing businesses out there, and you’re sure to find one that fits your budget.

Don’t forget to check for sales, discounts and voucher codes too. We all look for these things when we’re shopping for personal items – so why not use them for your business too?

5. Know When to Repair and Replace

As you continue to grow in your business, it’s essential to know when you should be repairing your old IT equipment, and when it’s time to upgrade.

Choosing to repair equipment like expensive computer systems and data storage environments could be beneficial initially.

However, if your tools are breaking down constantly, then that’s probably a sign that it’s time for something new.

Even in today’s tech-focused world, the solutions available to us aren’t foolproof.

Over time, your technology will deteriorate and degrade, which is why it’s always essential to keep some money in your budget for replacements and professional support in the future.

Protect Your Budget

Ultimately, budget is one of the most crucial things for any small business to think about when they’re trying to compete today.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that you can keep your IT expenses to a minimum with the right strategies.

Whether it’s shopping around for the next deal or knowing when to invest in a more expensive tool, the right plan will save you a lot of cash.