Ways Photoshop Can Be Fun, Profitable, and Therapeutic

Published: Dec 02, 2012

When it comes to graphic design, no tool kit is complete without Photoshop. One of Adobe’s most popular programs in the world of art, Photoshop can be used on such a grand scale that the possibilities are near endless.

This powerful program is used world over to create expressions of art, such as putting the sunken remains of the Titanic in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon.

What ways can Photoshop help you?

Photo Touch-ups

Many of us have photographs from the days before digital cameras. While some of these have seen better days, Photoshop gives you the ability to clean up these once treasured memories and save them before further damage occurs. Recoloring, blemish removal, crease mark removal, and more can be performed within this tool-filled program.

Family Portraits

With the right lighting and a green table cloth, you can turn any room into a film studio. Why be restricted to the background images provided by photography studios? Put your family in front of the makeshift “green screen” and snap the image. Import the picture into Photoshop and use the Magic Wand tool to select the green screen and remove it. You now have a family that can be put in front of any background you can imagine.

Printable Artwork

There are many graphic designers who will create their own artwork, print them out on photo-paper, then frame and hang them. One could go so far as to print out copies of ancient masterpieces to hang on their walls for a sense of class and style. Ever see an image of a Tiger-frog in the wild stalking its prairie-dog prey in the wetlands of Florida hanging on someone’s wall? You could.


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For Hire

Website designers, companies, and more are constantly looking for graphic design talents focusing in Photoshop. By developing skills in graphic design, you can make quite the name of yourself working on various projects including offline magazines. Everyone knows you use Photoshop to remove some of the unsightly wrinkles in a bathing-suit photo-shoot.



The more detailed the project, the more relaxing it could be. Some will use image editing to get away from the pressures of the world and create something imaginative. Creation of images gives the sense of control in an otherwise uncontrollable world. For instance, if there is trouble at work, its not uncommon to put your bosses image in an otherwise compromising position with FBI agents, a donkey, and a roll of duct tape. Although, you may not want to show him or her that image.



One of the more popular sites on the Internet for graphic design contests is Worth1000.com. It is a location that allows a creative mind to run rampant. Although there may be no real world advantage to entering these contests, unless you win it, you can still pad your resume if your score is relatively good.

Fuel Conspiracies

There are few in the world who use their abilities in Photoshop to actually fuel conspiracy theories. Exceptionally skilled individuals can make amazingly realistic images that are only discernible by the very best experts. Whether it is for fun of creating the image, or to propagate insanity, Photoshop can help you accomplish your goals.


When combined with its counterpart, Illustrator, the two become one of the most heavily used combos for everything from art to wedding photos. Photoshop can turn any photograph or image into a work of art that can enthrall onlookers. Hone your skills in this versatile program and become one of the elite.

This guest post was provided by Allison Foster. She has a solid writing resume that includes blogging both personally and professionally and regular freelance writing and photography jobs. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with www.nannyclassifieds.com.