Understanding Why Some Video Content is More Engaging

Published: Nov 10, 2017

In general no other form of content comes close to videos in terms of engagement, but some videos are a lot more engaging than others. It is important that you fully understand why this is the case, as it will help you to create video content that is more effective at engaging viewers.

Playing To Its Strengths

The reason why video content is so engaging to begin with is because it has several strengths that are particularly relevant to engagement. To be more specific, videos are able to:

  • Quickly grab attention and interest viewers
  • Provoke emotional reactions
  • Foster a connection with viewers

It should come as no surprise that video content that is more engaging plays to those strengths, and leverages them. To do so the video topics, type, structure, duration and other elements need to all be taken into consideration.

Although that may sound complicated, it is actually far easier than you might think. A good place to start is the duration of the video, which ideally should be kept under a minute so that you’re able to retain as many viewers as possible to completion.

Another key area is the first 7 seconds of the video. During that time frame the majority of viewers will decide whether or not they wish to continue watching, so it is important that you use it to quickly grab attention and interest viewers – normally by succinctly explaining the message of the video and how it will benefit the viewer.

VivaHR AI Learning

It’s like writing stories to engage your audience.

As far as connecting with viewers and provoking emotional reactions is concerned, it will vary on a case by case basis. In general however it helps to use storytelling elements to provide a narrative for your video that leads the viewer through it and engages them in the process.

Make no mistake all of the above applies regardless of whether you’re record a video with a digital camera or capture screen to create one. If you opt for the latter, Movavi Screen Capture Studio could help make the task a lot easier.

Video Content

Example of Movavi Editor

Video Content

Example of Movavi Screen Capture

Aside from letting you record your screen, Movavi Screen Capture Studio will also equip you with tools to edit and improve any footage that you record. In short you will be able to create impressive and professional-looking video content that is more likely to engage viewers and keep them interested before finally converting them.