How to Have the Perfect Product Launch

Published: Jun 25, 2018

A product launch is something that needs to be thought out very carefully. There is no point in spending months or even years working on something to only rush the launch at the end and see your product fail.

If you are going to have a successful launch, then there are certain things that you need to consider beforehand. If you’d like to know more about how to have the perfect product launch, then follow our tips below.

Prioritize Tasks

If you are launching a new product then it is very likely that you will have a large team of people working on it. This is why it is extremely important that you prioritize tasks and make sure that everything is done before the launch date.

Perfect Product Launch - all hands

There are a lot of ways that you can go about prioritizing tasks from creating to-do lists to allocating tasks or using a system like Kanban boards. If you think that you could benefit from extra help when it comes to this, you should look into Kanban prioritizing tasks software.


Testing is actually one of the most important stages of a product launch and if you don’t do this thoroughly you could find that your product is a major failure. The last thing that you want to do is to release a product that doesn’t work properly when it is used in the real world by the customers that have purchased it.

When it comes to testing you not only need to test the product, but you need to test the market as well. This includes releasing a little information or a glimpse of the product that you are planning to release. This way you can gauge a reaction and find out when the best time to launch the product is.

Don’t Neglect Your Existing Business

It can be easy to get totally distracted by your new product launch, but you need to make sure that you don’t forget about the main business that you have been running. People need to still believe in the company that you represent and so by continuing to provide excellent service or guidance on your other products, you can keep people interested in what you have.

The other products that you have are the source of your money for your new product launch so make sure to look after them and keep your business afloat while looking after your new product launch.

Navan Travel

You might also want to read: “Questions before starting a Business“.

Be Ready

There are a lot of things that you need to prepare for when you are launching a new product. If you want it to be perfect, then you need to be prepared for your sales to go up and you need to have the staff and the resources to maintain this. Don’t let your product sell out in a matter of minutes and then have it be out of stock for the next few months.

Perfect Product Launch - be ready

This will obviously be great for your sales at first, but people might start to lose interest if they have to wait too long after the initial launch. Do your research and plan accordingly and hire some new staff if you need to.

Keep Working After the Launch

When it finally comes to launch day, you need to make sure that you don’t just let the product go. You need to listen to customer feedback carefully and understand how they have found your product, what they would like to see in the future and why some people might not have bought it in the first place.

A product launch is more than just a launch of one thing, it also works as an exercise to gauge the reaction of your customer base and to understand what sort of products you could make in the future. Make sure to analyze results and keep doing your research even after the launch to have it be a success.

Final Thoughts

If you are going to launch a new product then you need to make sure that you do it with a bang. You don’t want it just to fade away and have people not really take any notice of all of the hard work that you have put in over the last few months. Plan your tasks carefully, train your team and ensure that you have enough resources in place to handle a sudden spike in sales. You must also make sure that you analyze any sort of sales that you make and find out how you could improve your product or the launch in the future.

Make you launch a big event, invite people that matter and let them know that this is going to be something special. From here, you can expect to see your product launch being a success and your business will benefit.