Elementary School Homepage – Free PSD

Published: Apr 30, 2009

Another one to give away to my fellow designers looking for a quick way to mock up a website. In this case – an elementary school. This is one of those contest that ooooh, came sooo close to winning. The contest I refer to are the ones similar to crowdspring and 99designs. Its an entire school district, needing a makeover for their string of websites (like that’s something new) – seems that all school websites I encounter need a desperate makeover.

The district needed new everything: colors, logos, layout – it was a big project. The winning design was to lead the way of an entire line of re-branding for their business. So the contest was a big deal; because not only for the cash prize – but the long needed work that comes with it. Not to mention – your logos will be plastered in several schools across the country. Regardless, I didn’t get the job – so I’m giving one of my mock ups for free.


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The design uses a base of burgundy and splashes of tan for the color scheme. The icons used are from the coquette collection in smashingmagazine, while fonts are Georgia and Helvetica Nueu. The file is of high quality, fully layered and grouped. All I ask in return is for you to leave a comment below or follow me in Twitter.

To download – simply click here. Have fun designing!