Do Flat Icons Still Pertain to Web Design?

More and more people are accessing the Internet via their mobile devices. This has given rise to mobile-friendly websites. Part of that trend is the flat web design, which is simply a minimalistic design with a focus on how usable the site is. This is perfectly suited for mobile websites. Approximately 56 percent of traffic […]

December 27, 2017

7 Good Sources for Free Stock Images for your Blog

Looking to spice up your blog posts? Well, adding images can be a great way to add some flavor on textual content and keep your readers coming back for more. Even scientist concur that images tend to evoke emotions meaning that you are bound to convert more if you have high quality images in your […]

December 13, 2017

Here are 4 Reasons Why Interactive Maps on Websites Are Helpful

Interactive maps are an incredibly useful way to share information on a particular region or location, because they’re both engaging and attractive. Furthermore, they’re interactive, allowing users to pan, zoom, scroll and even play around with a map layout. It’s easy to see why a feature like this is so promising on the consumer side […]

November 2, 2017

Outsourcing your Web Development

It is not a question that you need an online website to succeed in business. A good option is the web development altogether. There’s no point in having a website that looks like something out of the 1990s and for your business to attract customers and revenue you need a design and website that is mobile […]

April 22, 2017

DIY Web Building & Web Design: Tips on Time Management

You have a lot going on as a business owner, so the thought of adding building, designing, and maintaining a website (also known as DIY web) on top of all your other tasks may feel insurmountable. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a few helpful tools and some time management tips, you […]

March 31, 2017

What Should Always Be in the Footer?

What is one thing every house and building has in common? A solid foundation. The rest of the building is up to the architect’s artistic freedom. The way it’s designed and built can be unique from every other building in the world. However, your building still needs a strong foundation that will hold it up […]

September 19, 2016

Designing for the Visually Impaired

Unless you know someone who is visually impaired, or you deal with serious eyesight issues of your own, it’s easy to take seeing clearly for granted. Considering the internet is a largely visual medium, this is becoming more and more of a factor online. Designers always want their work to stand out and look good […]

July 23, 2016

25 Websites for Graphic Design Textures and Patterns

Graphic is an excellent practice and art of projecting and planning ideas as well as experiences with textual and visual content. There are several options available to make an awesome and superior graphic design, but the specialized designed resources produce unbelievable results. If you want to know about the unique tools, you can follow this […]

May 14, 2016
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