A Designer’s Guide: How to Collaborate with Developers

How many times have you had to see good designs annihilated by ‘amateur’ developers? Hurts something fierce when it’s your own design, doesn’t it? On the flipside, have you considered that you could be the problem here, designer? If you answered yes (preferably with a sheepish look on your face), you are to be commended […]

April 18, 2016

5 Responsive and Trending Frameworks You Might Not Know

Embracing a RWD (or Responsive Web Design) approach has not been so important, the way it is today. Whether you’re building a one page site or large size website, it has become needful to create a responsive design that can adapt and adjust to different screen displays. The rise in demand for a responsive design […]

November 5, 2015

Here are the Top 10 Text Editors for Web Designers and Developers

Even if you’re used to working with visual tools all the time, sometimes you need to do some coding by hand. After so many years of people predicting the death of text editors, they seem to be nothing but thriving – they’re the best kind of tools you can use for having full control over […]

August 25, 2015

Are Flat Designs becoming “Too Flat”

Lately, I’ve seen a big surge of web designs that have fallen a bit short. Layouts that have somehow failed to impress me. Yes I see it’s modern. Yes it’s minimal – but it’s a little “too flat”. I fully understand the concept and am actually glad that people have actually caught up to the […]

May 24, 2014

Wix or Weebly – which one is the better Website Builder?

You’re probably wondering which site builder you should use for your personal, professional or business website? Since the market is being overwhelmed with so many products – chances are you will get confused on which is better. Some of the choices include names like WebStartToday, IMCreator and Breezi, But today, I would like to talk […]

April 3, 2014

Trends and Predictions: What's in Store for the Future of Web Design in 2014

For some people, the end of the year marks a time when we should take stock of our websites and see how it performed throughout the year. If you are all for improving your website, it’s time to break out the crystal ball and predict the upcoming web design trends that we’ll in 2014. Trend […]

December 23, 2013

30 Creative Wedding Websites for Your Design Inspiration

If you’ve been following our articles, you know that we often compile a list of inspirational websites. Well today is one of those days. We’d like to showcase a list of beautiful wedding websites just in case you something real creative. Some of these sites are built by professional web designers and developers, while the […]

August 27, 2013

24 Creative Websites Running on SquareSpace – Part 2

When I first encountered Squarespace, I immediately fell in love with the creativity of the templates that are available for their customers. I even wrote an article about it about a year and half ago. Now that I’m doing another round up, I cannot help but fall in love all over again. Several things to […]

August 6, 2013
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