TOP 5 Social Networks For Business Development In 2020

Published: Nov 05, 2020
Website Development

The time of technologies made most businesses go online to attract more clients. 

And where to find your potential clients if not in the social networks? You don’t need to be a genius or to look for a software development company like MLSDev – just create a profile and start!

The key moment while choosing the right SMM strategy is to choose the best social networks for your business. 

In this article we will discuss the following networks and their advantages:

1) Facebook

2) Instagram

3) Twitter

4) YouTube 

5) LinkedIn

The Best Social Network to Expand the Online Business

Social Networks for Business

Some people when hearing about Instagram or Facebook think about pictures of cute animals and tasty breakfasts, but it’s not where everything ends. 

The above-mentioned networks are considered to be TOP 5 popular in 2019.


A lot of people think that on Facebook you can only buy some ads for your business and that’s it. 

But it is a bit more complex. 

The first thing you need to remember is the live page. The posts should be published once-twice per day to increase the activity. 

Also, don’t forget about videos. If your product can be shown with the help of video, then you can use this opportunity to show all of its advantages. 

Also, don’t forget to chat with your clients. All the comments should be answered, and all the complaints or wishes should be considered, especially if your product needs regular improvement like, for example, the best cryptocurrency wallet for Android


Around 800 million people use Instagram on a daily basis. 

If you sell something that you can present using videos or photos, this network is a must. 

If our main topic was an advertisement, I would tell you that Instagram offers one of the best opportunities here (live videos, ads from popular bloggers/groups, paid Instagram ads, etc.).

One more thing – your own hashtag(s). Choose the best hashtag that expresses the main feature of your product, and add it to every post you do. 

Talk to your clients: tell them about the team, the history of the business, some interesting facts about products, etc. If you want to tell people about free Forex trading signals you offer, tell them about different trading strategies, the best time frames, etc. 

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According to the Twitter data, the most popular formats for tweets are videos, emojis, questions for auditory, memes, and GIFs. 

What about the number of words in every tweet? 

How to express your point of view using only 280 characters?

The shorter, the better. Popular tweets usually contain up to 140 symbols – most of them have around 40 ones. 


YouTube will be a very good option if you know how to use it. 

Of course, the first thing you should do is to create a small video about your service that is going to be the main introductory video. 

Don’t forget about navigation – use playlists so users can concentrate on videos on the topic they need. 

Ask questions! And also ask users to answer them in comments. It will help you not only to increase the activity but to know your customer better. 


Did you know that, according to the data, 645 million people use LinkedIn? 

This network is for business only. You can find customers, future partners, investors, employees, etc. 

The first thing you will need to do is to make your profile informative. Include all the data about products, contact information, download the presentation about your product, etc. 

Share posts, look for people with the same interests, take a part in different discussions. 

Don’t try to sell your products at once. Talk to the person, spend some time to know him/her better, and as soon as you understand the needs, you can think about the offering of your product. 

Conclusion: The Best Social Network to Expand Online Business

Now you know the TOP 5 networks you will need to use if you want your business to grow online. 

The main things you should remember:

– talk to your audience – not just sell

– the frequency of posts is important

– photos or videos will increase the interest of people.