4 Ways to Improve Your Digital Agency Marketing Strategy

Published: Aug 06, 2020

Are you a digital agency looking to grow and expand? Are you trying to improve your digital marketing strategy, but feel like you are always missing something?

Digital Marketing

Marketing for B2B SaaS agencies can be difficult. What’s more, without proper experience – or help – you can start spending a lot of time on money while not getting any positive results! In order to stop you from making this huge mistake, we are sharing four amazing ways to improve your digital agency marketing strategy! Keep reading to find out more!

Find a strong, experienced partner

One of the best things you can do at the very beginning of working on your marketing strategy is to realize that it is okay to ask for help. Nobody knows everything – and this is especially true when you are running a startup! Sometimes, this process can feel like fighting battles on way too many fronts, and this is something not even the greatest generals were too keen on!

This is why it is perfectly fine to contact a SaaS PPC Agency! They will have not only the experience but also the skills needed to make your company soar! The experienced agencies will help you develop the right marketing strategy for your company while still working within your budget. This way, you will get an amazing and affordable strategy that you might not be able to come up with yourself.

Get the right tools

Throughout the last two or three decades, we have watched the steady and fast advent of technology. New discoveries prompted others like a domino effect, and now we live in a world where we depend on technology and tools for a lot of work!

If you are running a digital agency, you probably know this better than anyone. However, if you are thinking about the ways to improve your digital agency marketing, then you might want to expand the scope of your tools and invest in some new ones!

A big part of digital agency marketing nowadays is simply researching the market, following the trends you find, and trying to predict where they are going. For this, you will need different tools.

SEO rank checkers like Google Search Console are necessary to explore the websites you are working with (as well as your own). Then, you will want to examine keywords you are using through SEO keyword analytics tools – like Google AdWords. You can also add a digital analytics tool like Google Analytics, which can also compare different audiences that visit the website. Through these, you will gain essential information on how to shape your marketing strategy further.

Plan things in advance

This might seem like an obvious thing – of course you are going to plan your marketing strategy! However, optimizing the planning process through a visual mean – like a calendar – can be quite beneficial for your digital agency!

Having a content calendar while working on your strategy can help put things in perspective like no other tool in the game! This is because you are usually working within a timeframe with your strategy – and no tool is better for this than a calendar.

What’s more, a calendar can help you mark important dates and incorporate them into your strategy. Things like holidays and events related to your digital agency should be celebrated – but they can also be utilized to attract new leads, too!

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But where calendars truly shine is in the unexpected. If you leave just a couple of “blank” spots, you will be able to shift and move things when something unpredictable happens. This way, you will be ready to create some good last-minute content if – for example – something unexpected happens. That’s how this tool will keep you relevant and always on the go, which is important in digital marketing.

Use smart goals

Another important thing that you will want to keep in mind when reworking your marketing strategy is to use smart goals. Sadly, a lot of marketing strategies fail for this very reason – people do not know how to correctly define what their aims are.
Remember, your goals need to be SMART:

Specific – make sure you know exactly what it is that you want – and make it as narrow as possible. If you are looking for more clicks – then define how many are “more,” for example.

Measurable – this goes along the first part. When you are narrowing down your goals, you will want to ensure you can somehow track them. Only when comparing the numbers, you can see whether (and how much) your marketing strategy was successful.

Attainable – you will want to create goals that you can realistically get to in a given time period. It is always nice to aim high – but you need to make sure you are not aiming too high. So, examine the market and your competition to set better goals.

Relevant – a lot of companies create goals that do not match with their long-term plans. To circle back to an earlier point – this will feel like fighting on two fronts, which is just a waste of resources! So, think about your company goals and vision, and align your goals to this.

Timely – we already mentioned this, but you need to set up a time period in which you hope to achieve your goals too.

Following these four simple ways, you are sure to improve your digital agency marketing in no time. We also encourage you to explore different methods as well – as you can see, all it takes is thinking outside of the box and not being afraid to step off the beaten track from time to time!

About the author: The content writer at IdeaBuddy. Alex balances between his Mathematics studies and his love of writing. At the moment, he is also learning about content optimization and ways to boost website users’ experience while finishing his studies.