4 Pieces of Software Every Business Needs

Published: Mar 24, 2016

Sorting through mounds of paperwork, constantly filling up printers and sending an endless list of faxes is a nightmare that every business once had to face. Luckily, technology has done its thing and made otherwise tedious processes easier and more efficient than ever. From superpowered servers to laser-sharp printers, a modern business owes a large part of its success to the hardware that runs it.

But it’s not only the hardware that we have to thank. If anything, the hardware is only half the reason. It is the software found on every machine that’s doing all the thinking. Modern business software has come a long way and is more powerful, versatile, and efficient than ever.


Choosing the right program for each sector of your business can be difficult with the range of options available these days. With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of five essential pieces of software that every business can do with.

SysAid Help Desk Software

No matter what type of product or service you offer, customer satisfaction is extremely important. Being able to effectively deal with inquiries, complaints, and support requests will significantly improve your image. A comprehensive solution such as this helpdesk software by SysAid does exactly that.

With features such as industry benchmarking, ticket management, self-service, password resets, mobile device management, customer chat, knowledge base, remote control and countless more, your customers and employees will thank you.

Mozy Remote Backup

Virtually every business keeps an archive of information for record-keeping purposes. Small businesses tend to do so on external drives and leave it at that. But what if the building premises goes up in smoke? That’s where Mozy’s Remote Backup software comes in handy.

VivaHR AI Learning

Backups can be scheduled to be done automatically within your chosen time frames, allowing you to focus more on other business tasks. Data is encrypted safely in the cloud, preventing unexpected loss from events such as ransomware attacks.

Google Docs

Unlike other word and spreadsheet apps, Google’s Docs suite is free and allows instant online collaboration among team members. Powerful features such as functions, comprehensive formatting, exports to any file type, and in-document chat make Google Docs the ultimate lightweight document editor. Best part? It is all done in your browser. No need to install additional software or updates.

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While Outlook may be the go-to email app for most businesses, Thunderbird’s cost-free nature and a wide range of features make for a viable alternative. Mozilla’s email client features a smooth and simple interface with a built-in calendar, chat, address book, and countless other helpful tools.


Correctly utilizing this software will make your office complete twice the work in half the time, allowing you to allocate your resources elsewhere and further improve your business. All you need to do is click the download button and get working.