Consider these 5 Web Technologies for Business Growth

Published: Sep 03, 2017

Business people and managers of different companies are focused on how they can make their respective businesses grow and succeed. Fortunately, modern Web Technologies make it easier for industries to flourish more than ever. Technology, indeed, can empower businesses. It can also help a business stand out from the rest and gain a competitive advantage in its respective field. But given the fact that technology is free, everyone who has enough knowledge and resources can gain advantage from it.

Hence, it is not easy because you are not the only company who can access it. Being said that, it is very crucial for you to optimize the utilization of these technologies and make the most out of it to be on top.

How? Here are some ways Web Technologies will do just that:

1. Take Advantage of Cloud System

Taking advantage of the cloud system or cloud computing can really help your business processes become easier. But first, what is a cloud system/computing? If you don’t know what it is, you are probably one of the 95% of the people who use it unknowingly. It is the delivery of computing services like servers, storage, databases, software, analytics, and much more over the internet. With a cloud system, many users can access files and use applications remotely from any device that has an access to the internet.

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With the use of the cloud, the business can now perform tasks instantly compared to weeks or months that one process traditionally takes. It can also give business agility to be more productive and efficient because they are now able to deliver results faster. It will also reduce operational issues so employees can now perform other more important tasks. An example of cloud computing provider is Google’s Gmail, Google Drive, and DropBox.

2. Choose Web-based Project Management Software

Gone are the days that you have to manually manage your business. To stay competitive in a congested business industry, you have to be very efficient in whatever you do. To help you achieve efficiency, you can acquire a web-based project management software. What it does is it entails processes like scheduling, calculating a critical path, building timelines, creating task lists, managing resources, controlling documents, and providing audit trails. All of these processes can be controlled and monitored in a centralized software.

Web Technologies

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

For instance, a point of sale system can be very useful in a Salon setting. This software can help you simplify the accounting process because compared to traditional and manual systems, accountants will have to sort out through hundreds of receipts. Additionally, you can easily monitor your inventory because it updates in real time so you can order what’s already low in your stock.

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3. Create and Spread Social Media

Social media can be very helpful to businesses. The more people you can reach, the more potential sales you can have. The major reason why you should create a social media account is it’s free. Some examples of these media are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Just remember that there is also bad publicity, make sure everything you will post will build up your brand. You should also be able to interact with other people. Answer their questions, respond to their feedbacks, and give promotions and special discounts if possible.

4. Automate tasks to save much time, money and labor

They say: Time is Money. If you can save time, you can save money as well and you can also reduce labor costs. Automated tasks are very in demand nowadays since these are very convenient to use. For instance, instead of manually paying out your employees, you can use Deluxe payroll system. The App can help you reduce the stress of handling the payday as they have a support staff to help keep regulations as well. Also, these platforms offer more security so will have a peace of mind that you will not have any discrepancies.

Web Technologies

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

Another useful app is MailChimp which makes email marketing easier. Your marketing effort can really get a lift from it. Lastly, there are a lot of applications out there that you can choose from depending on your need like Slack, Buffer, Leadcrunch, and QuickBooks.

5. Use Teleconferencing

When setting up a business, you don’t have to require the presence of everybody with the use of modern technology. With the use of video conferencing and meeting apps, you will be able to connect with people in multiple locations, an interactive way to provide effective communications with active participations of ‘attendees’. There are many apps you can use to do this like Zoom, GoToMeeting,, ReadyToTalk, and much more.

These are the technologies you can maximize to help your business achieve its maximum potential. It can simplify your business processes and make your business more efficient and effective. It can also increase your sales because you will be able to reach many people. Using these applications and platforms can really make you more competitive.

Author Bio: Alexe Chasanov is an outreach community specialist for Zensoft, a salon POS solutions provider. I’m working with the start-up company to help them in their marketing and growth hacking efforts. I always love to share my knowledge and research about health and beauty style, and I’m a photography enthusiast. Twitter: @shortchasms