Things to Consider When Designing a Law Firm Website

Published: May 20, 2012

Lawyers nowadays rely on the Internet to market their services and to successfully generate leads towards prospective clients. They know that it is not enough for them to use old-fashioned advertising strategies such as the use of giant billboards, TV and radio advertisements, print media such as magazines and newspapers, and even word of mouth.

They know that people today have grown accustomed to using the Internet as their means of searching relevant services, particularly the services of lawyers

A lawyer starting up a law firm website must consider a few things in order to gain leads and bring in more clients. Probably the most important of all is the way the website is designed. For the client, the credibility that comes with the law firm and its services would reflect on how the law firm’s site is designed professionally.

Obviously, if the website’s design is vague and not user-friendly, the effect could slowly break the possibility of the law firm to generate leads.

Professional design is a very important aspect when it comes to marketing a service in the Internet, especially for law firms. A lot of website design ideas have sprung up in the Internet in which the lawyers may find suitable for their needs. Lawyers can hire professional web designers who can lay out a web design that would help prospective clients in finding what they need. They can use WordPress or any other website design tools, according to the availability and aesthetic appeal needed for the website to gain leads. Since lawyers provide a service that lean on security, the website’s design should make prospective clients feel that sense of comfort, security and trust.

Also, in designing a law firm website, organization should not be overlooked. Because the facet of law is quite confusing to a lot of people, it is important for the law firm to take time in putting up informative data in the simplest terms into their website for the readers to understand. In a law firm website, it must have everything the client must need. Aside from the services that the law firm offers, it should also have links to the lawyers’ personal and contact information.

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Here are some of examples of well-designed law firm websites:

Frost Brown Todd Attorneys


Green Bryant & French, LLP


Estey & Bomberger


Malaise Law Firm


Lucino & Gene


Burke Brown Attorneys



A perfectly- and professionally-designed law firm website would have the organizational qualities as well as the aesthetic appeal. In today’s world, the reputation of a certain law firm would greatly lean on how the website is designed. It would make or break the chances of the law firm to acquire leads and prospective clients.

Ray Meshack has written numerous articles and blogs for various publications and website. As a public relations specialist, he has previously worked for high-profile persons and Hollywood celebrities. He’s currently working as an online reputation specialist