Here are some excellent uses for "Pages" in WordPress

Published: Mar 17, 2013

So what would you do with these static pages in WordPress?

For creating your own blog, very few content management systems out there can compete with WordPress. It is a powerful system that can quickly get your content on your site, shared with social sites, and collecting comments. One of the most appealing aspects to WordPress is the following of developers that create plugins for it that can accomplish a variety of tasks.

One of the features in WordPress is an area called “Pages.” These are not to be confused with the standard “Posts” that you save when developing content for visitors to read. These pages are usually developed more for static content that will rarely change, if at all.

1) Contact Us

For a business blog, a contact us page that is readily available can be greatly beneficial. If a customer needs to contact your business for any reason, having this information on a page that is easily found may be profitable. This control is usually provided by the “Pages” widget that can be added to sidebars inside your WordPress settings. However, some themes will default this widget to other locations dependent on the coding of the theme itself. It is also important for this page to be attractive, and easy to use. For instance, take a look at Handsome Agency’s Contact us page: Contact Us Page Contact Us Page

2) Favorites

Listing your personal favorite websites in a page can help others find them as well without having to sift through various posts. A post in WordPress can become buried within the additional content making it difficult for those important websites to be found. As “Pages” never move from their location, these favorites can be found with ease from the home page. Visitors wouldn’t have to try and remember what month they saw your favorite website list. As an example, take a look at Codrops and their massive collection of favorite links – grouped as “Collectives”. These links vary from websites, controls, code amongst many things.

Codrops' Collective Series

Codrops’ Collective Series

3) Who Are We?

Like many business websites, having an area for “Who Are We?” can help others discern what your company or yourself is about. This could provide insights into your company beliefs or even your own belief structure in order for others to understand you better. This could also be a short background story of how this blog came to be. There are many possibilities for this style of page.

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4) Niche Details

As “Pages” are static content, a description of the specific niche your blog is covering could offer greater detail to readers as they are curious as to what your site is about. Perhaps if you have a blog about cooking chicken, a page could be dedicated to the health benefits of eating chicken. A blog about smartphones could have a descriptive page about why smartphones are important or exactly what smartphones are. Not only does this provide a description for your visitors to read, but it can also be beneficial for search engine optimization purposes. Check out Tapmates‘ Niche page:

Tapmates' Niche Page

Tapmates’ Niche Page

5) YouTube Videos

Although “Pages” are usually static, having your YouTube channel displayed in one could help visitors find the videos easier than sifting through posts. This is similar to the “Favorites” mentioned above. You could embed your video each time a new one is created. Although this requires constant maintenance in order for each video to be published, the work entailed is actually quite nominal. Just simply copy the embed code provided by YouTube and paste it to the page’s “text” tab. You can also use “Post Formats” in WordPress for this type of functionality.

6) Pricing Page

For a company who offer services, a Pricing page is a very important use for WordPress pages. This is where prices for different tiers of their services is outlined in a detailed fashion. Note that a “table” like price sheet has gone out of style. Companies and agencies have become very creative when it comes to pricing pages. See Freshdesk’s pricing page as a prime example of a good use of WordPress static pages:

Creative pricing page by Freshdesk

Creative pricing page by Freshdesk


WordPress as a whole is a powerful system that allows your blog to come alive in any way you want. Themes, polls, newsletters, SEO tools, and more can be added to it to increase your site’s value and assist in getting it noticed by search engines. You can build it up as much as you’d like or leave it a basic collection of your thoughts. In either case, WordPress is simple to use and is favored by millions.

Ken holds a master’s in business leadership from Upper Iowa University and multiple bachelor degrees from Grand View College. As president of, Ken’s focus is helping Houston-based parents find the right childcare provider for their family. When he isn’t working, he enjoys spending time with his three children and his wife.