Straightforward ways to make your company more sustainable

Many companies today are using sustainability strategies to improve their business while saving the environment from harm such as lowering the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere each year. Sustainability strategies have worked well for many companies not because they can generate more profit but because it is the right thing to […]

September 24, 2019

The Four Lines of Credit Now Available to Small Businesses

It’s no longer a secret; the flexibility provided by a line of credit has made it the most sought after means of financing small businesses. A line of credits offers available cash to a business, which can be withdrawn for the running of day-to-day activities and/or financing the business from its start, instead of foreclosing […]

September 13, 2019

How to Take Control of Your Personal Finances

Taking charge of your personal finances has endless benefits. By taking control of your money, you can end the vicious debt cycle, build your emergency fund, save towards retirement, or start saving to buy a home in a few years. Improving your finances is something you definitely want to do sooner rather than later. Here’s […]

September 11, 2019

A Project manager’s tips to manage funds efficiently

The project budget is one of the most talked about constraints in the development life cycle. A reasonable expectation every stakeholder would have, is that the project portfolio’s benefits crosses the budget incurred to run it. But sticking to the right priorities while managing to stay under the budget is a herculean task, considering the […]

September 10, 2019

7 Marketing Ideas For A Pest Control Business

So you run a pest control business? You kill bugs and keep rodents at bay. You’re good at it.  Clients should be lining up to hire you, right?  Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.   Marketing probably wasn’t part of your training, but every business needs it to survive. If you have been struggling to get more […]

August 31, 2019

Why Today’s Companies Should Establish an Inclusive Hiring Policy

If there is one thing which has become quite apparent within the past few years is the spirit of divisiveness that has somehow pervaded our culture. From the workplace to home to social media, it seems as though everyone is more comfortable with pointing out their differences than finding a mutual meeting grounds, things they […]

August 28, 2019

5 Tips on Better Employer Branding for SaaS Companies

In the world of software and technology, talent shortages are an increasingly significant problem for business leaders.   Tech is evolving at a phenomenal pace, but we don’t have enough skilled people to fill all the gaps in growing companies. While many managers assume that the easiest way to attract attention is with bigger paychecks, your […]

August 22, 2019

4 Reasons to Give Your Preference to Node JavaScript Developers

Node.JS is a server-side JavaScript runtime that offers great flexibility, high performance, and effective software deployment in a JavaScript environment. Node JS is an event-driven, lightweight, and non-blocking I/O model that runs in the Chrome V8 JS engine. Node.js architect in combination with other JavaScript frameworks has become the core component of digital transformation in […]

August 22, 2019
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