Flat Responsive Design Computer Vectors and Shapes – Free Download

Published: Oct 17, 2015

Today we’re in for a real treat. Our friends at Vecteezy have given us an exclusive set of icons, vectors and shapes available for download to our readers. This set is under Creative Commons Unported type of license – so go crazy with it, as long as you give proper attribution per the terms.

Download Now!

Just in case you don’t know who Vecteezy is, they are probably one of the largest distributors of Vector graphics in the net. They are free, as well as premium downloads you can definitely use in your projects right away.


shopify banner

Plenty of formats included with this freebie such as AI, EPS, PNGs, SVG and of course the fully layered PSD file. The shapes are full vectors so you can scale to however you wish.

The images are all relevant to responsive design so I see it used in plenty of layouts. Be sure to check out Vecteezy for more vector goodies!

This article is written by Michael Soriano. Michael is a Front End Developer based in La Crescenta California. He specializes in CSS, JavaScript and UI. When not developing sites, Michael likes to play handyman and wrestles his kids.