Creating a Competitive Edge in the Digital Marketing Arena

Published: Aug 27, 2020

Say what you want about Millennials or Gen X — this group cut their teeth on the digital age. They are sometimes even referred to as digital natives. Who do older generations look to when a technology blunder occurs? Yep, that’s right, the Millennial crowd.laptop

When looking for a knowledgeable, talented digital marketing firm, most business owners will agree, you want the best digital natives you can find. Just take one look at the powerhouse team of 20/30-somethings that span the Home page of Power Move Marketing. It’s an impressive array of professional women, knocking them dead in a predominantly male sector. Make no mistake. These women are a force to be reckoned with. They can take your business to the next level using a wide array of digital marketing venues. No problem.

Power Move Marketing might seem like more of the same as digital marketing firms are concerned, but Hailey Brooke McFadden, founder, and owner begs to differ. McFadden says none of her competitors cover the full scope of services Power Move Marketing offers. Website creation, content creation, e-commerce consulting, social media management, blog writing with SEO — you name it. Her team can do it. She calls her company a “One-stop shop for all your digital marketing needs.”

McFadden also describes her company as a “boutique marketing firm,” saying her team will work with your budget to find a combination of the most beneficial services for your company. That stellar team McFadden has assembled — they must be doing something right. To this day, she states, Power Move Marketing has never been “let go” by a client.

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Part of Power Move Marketing’s grit is the fact that McFadden knows how to be competitive. Spending four years of undergrad playing D1 volleyball, it’s safe to say she knows how to work for every edge. After a brief stint as a sideline reporter for ESPN covering some smaller pro and semi-pro teams, Hailey quickly discovered reporting was not where she would shine.

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While in graduate school, she began doing some private consulting work, and her clients convinced her to pursue that avenue. But it wasn’t until Hailey discovered digital marketing that she knew her true calling. While finishing her Master of Science in Business at Wake Forest, Hailey jumped into the startup game and began building her brand with a target audience in mind.

Who needs Power Move Marketing services? McFadden says most of her clients fit into two categories or a combination of both. She says most of the time, the people who come to her are too busy to give their digital marketing campaign the time it deserves, or they are not knowledgeable enough to create a top-notch campaign. Either way, McFadden and her team have you covered. Hailey states that one gratifying aspect of her job is helping a small brand or a new startup attain a level of professionalism that puts them on the map and ultimately increases their sales.

Power Move Marketing is an innovative digital marketing solution for companies that want to go to the next level. McFadden promises to keep all of your marketing mediums cohesive, aesthetically pleasing, and effective. If you need an innovative digital marketing team with skills that reach far beyond the average firm, let Power Move Marketing be the solution.

Say what you want about Gen X. They are indeed the digital natives, and right now, they are running this world. I’m guessing Hailey McFadden and her expert team of digital marketers already knew that.