How to Manage Multiple Projects in Small Organizations

Managing multiple projects in small organizations such as catering services, event planning companies, and non-profits can be a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to juggle various responsibilities efficiently. This article will guide you through effective project management techniques tailored for small organizations to help you streamline operations and […]

June 19, 2024

Create a Backup of your WordPress site – the Faster Way

How you should take your WordPress website backup? Do you have this question? Here is the faster and rock solid solution to your question. This will be a step by step guide to help you completely backup your website. Why you need a website backup? Do you really need to put an extra effort in […]

December 10, 2016

Mustache.js- the Javascript templating system you can't miss

Website development involves the execution of different tasks; both simple and complex. If your website project expects you to manage small chunks of data, followed by having two separate views for the same data; a logic-less template is what you need. Mustache.js is one such fantastic and thoroughly resourceful template system that is both easy […]

September 20, 2015

A comprehensive tutorial on using single var pattern in JavaScript

The flexibility of JavaScript makes it one of the finest programming languages to date. Eliminating the need for following traditional sets of programming conventions, JavaScript serves as a dynamic language that continues to amaze developers. One of the best utilities available with JavaScript is the convenience of creating any type of variable, anywhere within the […]

August 2, 2015

Edit Nightclub Theme Settings

Nightclub makes it easy for you to edit the theme without needing to touch the source code. Note that no additional configuration is necessary to have the homepage like the demo. All you need is a few settings and your all set. The slideshow uses the post thumbnail for the main image. If you see […]

May 28, 2012