Why Divi Outshines Gutenberg: A Web Designer’s Perspective

Published: May 23, 2024

As a web designer deeply entrenched in the world of WordPress, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of page builders. Two of the most prominent options are Gutenberg, the default block editor for WordPress, and Divi, a renowned page builder by Elegant Themes. While Gutenberg has its merits, Divi consistently proves to be the superior choice for several reasons.

1. Intuitive User Interface

Divi’s interface is incredibly user-friendly, especially for designers who thrive on visual feedback. The drag-and-drop functionality and real-time editing environment streamline the design process, allowing for a more efficient workflow. Unlike Gutenberg’s block-based system, which can sometimes feel disjointed and cumbersome, Divi’s visual builder keeps everything seamless and intuitive, reducing the learning curve and making design more enjoyable.

2. Enhanced Design Flexibility

One of Divi’s standout features is its extensive design capabilities. It comes with a vast library of pre-designed templates and modules, empowering designers to create stunning, custom layouts with minimal effort. Divi’s theme builder takes customization to the next level, allowing full control over global elements like headers and footers. While Gutenberg is improving, it still falls short in offering the same level of design flexibility and depth right out of the box.

3. Detailed Customization Options

As a designer, the ability to fine-tune every aspect of a webpage is crucial. Divi excels here with its robust set of design tools, from adjustable spacing and animations to advanced shadow effects. It even allows custom CSS directly within the user interface, providing an added layer of control for those comfortable with coding. Gutenberg, although versatile, doesn’t yet offer the same granular level of customization, which can be limiting for complex design projects.

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4. Reliable Support and Community

Elegant Themes backs Divi with top-notch support and a vibrant community. Their comprehensive documentation, active forums, and frequent updates ensure that help is always available when needed. This strong support network is invaluable for troubleshooting and finding inspiration. While Gutenberg benefits from the broader WordPress community, the dedicated support that Divi offers is more tailored and accessible, making a significant difference in user experience.


5. Seamless Integration and Extensibility

Divi’s ability to integrate with a wide range of WordPress themes and plugins makes it an incredibly versatile tool. Its extensibility allows for the creation of custom modules and additional enhancements, catering to specific project needs. Although Gutenberg also supports numerous plugins, Divi’s ecosystem is more mature, offering a richer array of options for extending functionality, which is essential for bespoke design projects.


From my experience as a web designer, Divi consistently outperforms Gutenberg due to its intuitive interface, enhanced design flexibility, detailed customization options, reliable support, and seamless integration. For those looking to craft visually striking, highly customizable websites without needing extensive coding knowledge, Divi remains the go-to choice. It empowers designers to bring their creative visions to life efficiently and effectively.