8 Ways To Make Real Money From Home In 2019

Published: Nov 11, 2019

home office

It’s clear that there are many “easy money” articles out there. Understandably you’re probably skeptical about this one as well, as most just fail to deliver.

Most of you will ask yourselves, is this just another get rich quick schemes sales page? With so many articles and lists out there with a similar title, your skepticism is totally justified.

The truth is, though, that the world has changed to a point where more and more skilled workers are leaving their full-time job for a be-your-own-boss freelance situation. And this is what this article is meant to address.

Is the job just not paying all the bills? Are you in between things, and need to find a way to make ends meet? Or are you just looking to buy that car you want, or save for something special?

Join the club. We’ve all been there. It can be a daunting task, and a courageous decision to start an at-home business.

But you’re in luck. In 2019 there exists a never-never land of at-home opportunities. And the good news? A Lot of it is easy stuff that, with a little online education, ANYONE can do!

In a world increasingly connected through technology, many more opportunities for the average Joe or Jane to make some extra cash from their home not only exist, but are becoming a preferred method for businesses to get what they need at the best price.

In fact, there’s a trend in the business community to outsource everything that they can.

So no more Uber and Lyft to make those few extra bucks. There’s plenty of drivers out there. If you’re reading this, you’re motivated and hungry for more.

So… Let’s talk about the really lucrative stuff, the stuff that can turn a hobby into an at-home business. The things that will help you achieve financial freedom, with this guide of 9 ways to make real money from home in 2019.

1 -Become a content or copy writer

As we speak, I’m writing this from the comfort of my sofa. The demand for content is bigger than the supply. Great content writers get paid big bucks because all smart businesses know one thing. Good content sells!

The trouble is, it’s hard to find a good content or copy writer. And once the job is done, well, what to do with this employee? Another typical case is, a business may hire someone who can write something that sounds good to the ear, but is just not hitting home with the audience. Now they’re stuck paying salary, taxes, a health plan…

Because businesses have learned that this is such a valuable skill and because it’s not enough for content to just sound good to them since it also has to connect, they’ve developed a new strategy.

 It goes something like this:

  • Outsource the same project to applicants they find online through an online freelancing app.
  • Pay them for their work.
  • Test the ad with the copy or content piece from all different sources.
  • Watch the audience response.

If you’re the writer that’s getting the response from the audience, you’re bound to get some excellent gigs, and it could easily pay much more than your office job.

There are only three steps to get started:

  • Learn how to write content and copy that connects with your audience and sells (super important).
  • Through your course, you’ll create a portfolio.
  • Sign Up on every freelancing app available.

It’s really that simple. If you’re creative, feel like you can connect with people, and can persuade them to buy, this is a skill you can quickly grow into a six-figure salary.

2- Video Editing

In the same line of content writing, the demand for quality creatives is sky-high. If you look at some of the prices they’re charging on Fiverr and Upwork, you’ll understand very quickly how just one job a month can cover your entire 40-hour-a-week salary.

There are animated videos and traditional videos. Both are a relatively easy skill to learn. And both can be mastered within a few months of rigorous learning and practice.

There’s an element here that is highly technical (how to use professional video editing software), so you need to take an excellent online course.

But with most courses, you will have a portfolio at the end of it. If it looks good, and you can start by offering a competitive price, THIS at-home gig can begin with one job and end up as a full-service online creative empire.

3 – Web Development

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? The first thing that people think is “That’s for people who know how to code.” And that’s usually followed by “I can’t do that, I don’t know the first thing about coding.”

Well, good news. You no longer need to learn how to code!

And we’re not talking about Wix or another web builder that the client already knows about. I’m talking about a fully functional WordPress site. The kind of website that can fetch a handsome price of between $1,500 – $10,000.

That’s right… build a website, no coding, with minimal technical skills, and usually, a simple drag and drop interface will suffice to get you started.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s absolutely not. Most web agencies are using this method.

Here’s what to do:

Divi WordPress Theme
  • Take an online course in WordPress to learn the basics.
  • Learn Graphic Design basics so your websites look attractive and up to date. Moreover, how to turn design into a functional website (lots of courses exist specifically for website design).
  • Take a course in ‘web builders’ as they’re called.
  • Build a few great looking sites to create a portfolio.
  • Sign up to freelancing sites.

Simple as that. If you go down this road, it, of course, would be wise to take a course in HTML and CSS, yes, scary coding words. It’s really not that bad, and when you’re ready for it, you’ll already have the background, and you’ll just know it’s time to boost your knowledge. And even if you’re at home, a job in web development will surely pay the bills, not to mention the other bonuses that clients can provide if they are happy about your service.

4 – Providing motivational quotes for social media

This may seem like such a small niche business, but it’s actually not. It’s BIG business online.

Ever notice how many businesses on Facebook and Instagram use these branded motivational quotes? You can sell them and turn a massive profit.

This is how it works: Make several hundred beautiful motivational quotes. Make Incredible creative backgrounds, fonts that flow with the design, and chose an array of quotes that would apply to any business.

Pop on freelancer sites, and offer a package where you’ll sell them the quotes sized for each major social media outlet, with their logo, website, and social URL.

You can use the same ones over and over again. And while you can’t charge that much, you don’t need to do that much work once all the original designs are created. You can even create a custom service where you sell quotes related to only their business.

Take an online Photoshop class – Get your quotes, and let this be an excellent passive income source.

5 – Managing Social Media (community management)

Small businesses almost always get their social campaign management through freelancers.

This is fairly self-explanatory. You get a client, you post on their accounts on their behalf.

What’s great is that you can stack this with other services. In fact, all the services I’ve mentioned above. Even if the client has his own material, there are tools out there that make managing multiple accounts very simple.

Learn organic social media best practices. Learn social media analytics and how to interpret them so you can show your clients you’re doing a good job. Have excellent copy on your freelancer ad and a sales pitch, and you can start as a freelancer ASAP.

6 – Managing Facebook Ads

A whole different story than organic social media. This is a results-driven business because there’s money being managed by you. Facebook makes it easy to show results, but you have to have them if you want to keep clients and grow to new ones.

Despite this, good Facebook Ads managers make bank, and can also stack all the above gigs into one service. Facebook needs great copy. Great creatives. A great website to point to. Most large marketing agencies start out as Facebook ads freelancers. So this can be big. Check out onlineacademy.com for more in-depth info about making real money online from home.

Do this:

  • Learn content writing
  • Learn PhotoShop
  • Study Premiere Pro
  • Take a comprehensive course on Facebook marketing.
  • Take on several clients for free and record everything as a case study.
  • Hook up with freelancer sites

Now when you’re competing with everyone else who claims to be fantastic, you have evidence that you actually are. This way to make real money from home in 2019 can lead to a media empire if you continuously grow and improve your craft.

7 – Google Ads

Google Ads is a mystery wrapped in a riddle. The interface is not user-friendly, the way it works can be confusing, and the results small businesses get are frustrating. Yet every business now knows, if they want to compete, they must advertise on Google.

You don’t need to learn a broad skill set here, just be an expert at this one. But just like Facebook advertising, you really need to know what you’re doing. If you do, you make a very handsome profit and can find clients quickly.

Take an online course in Google Ads, and get certified. Yes, Google offers Certification.

Become an expert at this skill, continually improving your knowledge through education and experience.

Be a freelancer, and even do some freebies. When you have some reliable case studies, you’ll have a solid business from home in no time.

8- Sell Stuff

Up until now, we’ve mainly discussed highly in-demand services that you can learn to do and provide online around the world. Clearly, that path is not for everyone. Some are traders at heart and are just naturally inclined to buy and sell.

If this is you, Amazon, Amazon, Amazon! Pick a product, and sell it there. A popular method of making money from home. Almost as popular as Uber and Lyft driving for extra bucks but opposed to ride-sharing services, there’s vast potential.

Also opposed to ride-sharing services, there’s a lot to learn. Amazon uses a very complex algorithm. It’s an algorithm that is notorious for turning on some of its sellers.

If you are a trader at heart, open up the store on Amazon, but become educated on how it works, front to back first! Not an expert on Amazon, you’re really rolling the dice. Learn the ins and outs of Amazon better than anyone, and you’re virtually guaranteed colossal success.

There you have it!

All of these things are achievable, even for someone with no experience. Choose what you want to do. Start learning with quality and comprehensive online courses.

When you’re ready, you’ll know, and you’ll be on your journey to financial freedom faster than you know it.